
Tonight all the planets align for the first time in eleven years

/ miércoles, 20 de enero de 2016 COMENTARIOS »
Starting today, and for one month, five planets of the solar system will align in the sky, forming a 'diagonal line' about fifty degrees: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. And you can see at a glance. Eleven years ago a similar phenomenon does not repeat but will not have to wait another eleven because in August we will be able to see the same phenomenon.
That is, this month, all visible planets align. The rest or are not visible to the naked eye, Neptune and Pluto, or are only in very exceptional conditions of absolute darkness, Uranus, and therefore may not match with Venus and Mercury (which appear at dawn). I guess all global conspiracies are already underway. 

How do I see it?

Ken Christison Morning Planets Before Dawn January 18It seems that full alignment will only see at dawn (about 5am and 6am) because it's about that time when all the planets are already in heaven. Shortly after nightfall appears Venus and Jupiter. Venus disappears soon and Mars appears to midnight. From there they go to resemble Saturn, Venus (again) and Mercury.
The easiest way to see the alignment is to locate Venus. The planet is one of the most powerful celestial stars (the third after the Sun and the Moon) and appears near the horizon near where it begins to dawn (east). A little closer to the horizon we can identify Mercury and drawing a diagonal famous pictured, we may be finding other planets.
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